Social Food Collective


Intersection of Career & Passion


Social Food Collective started as a Capstone project for a Masters in Urban Planning program at Virginia Tech. Meant to be a practicum project to demonstrate application of urban planning principles, it blossomed into a full-blown idea to combine a passion for food, a planning goal of community social engagement, and a fun way to bring people’s food stories and experience together. Plus, we get the bonus of enjoying and learning from the trips to all these social food places, around the country and all over the world.



About the Framework

This framework is a simple guide in evaluating, planning, and designing a social food experience.


The pyramid section of the framework indicates the different levels or goals of social engagement which a social food experience can help bring about. The goals are arranged in terms of the ease with which they can be achieved and the number of people on which they can possibly have an impact.


Levels of Social Engagement

The social engagement goals include:

  • Familiarity – a first level of social engagement; usually happens through observation.

  • Interaction – a next level of social engagement; involves social contact and exchange of communication.

  • Integration – an increased participation by members of the community who belong to minority or under-represented groups; usually based on gender, ethnicity, immigrant status, household income, etc.

  • Shared Culture - a shared way of life and traditions which binds a community together; may include cuisine, food production, food heritage, and festivals.

  • Social Capital – a shared network of relationships and resources which can be used to achieve community goals.


At the bottom of the pyramid is “familiarity”. This is usually the first goal, especially in a community where there is a high level of diversity. Given the simplicity of this objective, the social engagement objective of “familiarity” usually impacts a greater number of people. At the top of the pyramid is “social capital”, which is the hardest to achieve because of its need for a network of relationships and people who are committed to work for community goals. In between these two levels are the other levels of “interaction”, “integration”, and “shared culture”.


Elements Contributing to Social Engagement

Under the various social engagement goals or levels are six (6) important elements of the social food experience, which help deliver on the goals. These elements are:

  1. Location, Accessibility, & Linkage

  2. Physical Design

  3. Variety of Uses and Activities

  4. Food as Central Theme

  5. Inclusion Strategies

  6. Community History, Needs, & Partnerships


Components of Each Element

Each of the six (6) element of the social food experience has individual components:

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1. Location

  • Central Location

  • Accessibility

  • Linkage

2. Physical Design

  • Shelter

  • Security

  • Comfort & Convenience

  • Aesthetic Appeal

  • Sensory Delight

  • Function

3. Variety of Uses and Activities

4. Food as Central Theme

5. Inclusion Strategies

  • Historical Diversity of Market

  • Food Markets, Festivals, Street Vendors

  • Vendor Diversity & Ethnicity

  • Vendor Support Program

  • “Lighter, Quicker, and Cheaper”

6. Community History, Needs, & Partnerships



About the Founder

Beng Abella-Lipsey is from the Philippines, where she enjoyed creating innovative real estate projects like farm lots, leisure communities, boutique hotels, and hostels. Here in the US, she pursued further studies in urban planning, with a focus on creative placemaking, urban design, and community engagement.

Beng loves discovering places through food. Beng and her husband John seek out public markets and food halls, register for cooking classes, and join food tours when they travel. They like to get to know and interact with the locals, through food. When they’re home, they go to their weekly farmers market, visit the nearby farms, and search for food festivals around the region which celebrate food, traditions, and culture.

Beng brings together all of her passion and learnings in the Social Food Collective. Food. Social Experience. Communities.


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