The Great Good Place [1] by Ray Oldenburg

The Great Good Place

Ray Oldenburg introduced the concept of “third places” and described them as comfortable places where people gather, in between home and work. Highlighting the concept of socialization in a public space, he identified “third places” as spaces where one can meet other people and destress from work, without having to host a social gathering in one’s home . Among the key elements of “third places” are: (1) open and welcoming, with a great variety of people; (2) more comfortable way of socializing because there are no hosts; (3) people gather for the sheer joy of socializing; (4) there are rules for respectful conversations; (5) there are regulars who keep the place alive; (6) low key and simple physical structures which are accessible; and (7) the mood is always “playful.” Oldenburg emphasized that “third places” give people a “home away from home” feeling, of being welcomed, comfortable, and rested while at the same time enjoying the socialization which comes with meeting other people.

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Other books by Ray Oldenburg:

  • Celebrating the Third Place: Inspiring Stories About the "Great Good Places" at the Heart of Our Communities [2]

  1. Ray Oldenburg, The Great Good Place (Marlowe & Company New York 1989).

  2. —-, Third Places (Sage Publications, Inc, 2003).