Project for Public Spaces [1]


Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a nonprofit group dedicated to celebrating public spaces. Their work covers research, project development, and advocacy on the importance of public spaces and their positive impact on community engagement and development.

In evaluating, designing, or re-programming public spaces, PPS recommends the use of a simple framework which highlights four important qualities: (1) sociability; (2) uses and activities; (3) access & linkages; and (4) comfort & image. The PPS further developed their framework to include different intangible adjectives and measurable elements.

The PPS has identified public markets as important public spaces which need to be protected, enhanced, and further developed for the benefit of communities. They have specifically highlighted the role of public markets in increasing social engagement, increasing community vitality, and providing healthy food access. Over the past ten years, PPS has been hosting International Public Markets conferences which bring together market operators, developers, local government, and other industry practitioners. For 2019, the conference will be held in London. It will coincide with London’s launch of a series of initiatives meant to enhance the positive role of markets in their communities and also address the issues which they currently face.

Following are some key books and research publications of the PPS:


  • How to Turn a Place Around

  • Reading Terminal Market, an Illustrated History

  • The Great Neighborhood Book


  • Estimating the Economic Impact of Public Markets (A report submitted to the Project for Public Spaces, with funding provided by the Ford Foundation)

  • Public Markets as a Vehicle for Social Integration and Upward Mobility

  • Public Markets & Community-Based Food Systems: Making Them Work in Lower-Income Neighborhoods

  • Making Your Market a Dynamic Community Place

  1. 'Project for Public Spaces', Project for Public Spaces, (<>)